EUF-Approved Tournaments
Tournaments that the EUF does not organise can apply for EUF approval, which allows participating EUCS teams to use the results of these tournaments to improve their EUCS ranking.
EUF encourages all National Federations to submit an application for their national championship and allow their teams with an EUCS Master Roster to use the national championship results for their EUCS Ranking. Each event must be submitted - multi-tournament national championships must have separate entrances.
After approval, the tournament will be available in the rostering system so that Team Admins can submit their tournament rosters for the respective event.
In order to get approval, it is necessary to submit the event before the event registration has started. Tournaments must ask the teams whether they are using the tournament for the EUCS. This question is binding for the teams and needs to be communicated to EUF.
The application form can be found here: https://forms.gle/VQhAtHXccfJceQD38
The Tournament Admin will be informed once the review has been completed.
Max Points: 15
Format: 7v7
Minimum Game length: 60min
Ruleset: WFDF (Optional: EUF Appendices) + WFDF SOTG System
Mixed: Gender Ratio A + Gender Pulling
Surface: Grass or Turf (artificial grass)
Minimum Nr. of Teams: 4
Minimum Nr. of Games: 3/Team
The Scores of the games will be reviewed by EUF, and if any form of cheating is detected, the tournament is no longer eligible for the EUCS.
Before tournament registration starts: Application for Approval
1 Week before the tournament: Roster deadline for Teams
1 Day or max. 1 Week after the tournament: Sending the spirit and game results of the tournament
The latest date a result can be submitted is 17th August 2025
The results need to be communicated to: competition@ultimatefederation.eu