
What does EUF-Approval mean? Where does it apply?

  • Step 1 - NF/Tournament Admin decides to make each weekend of nationals a separate EUF-approved event.

    Step 2 - Teams are informed

    Step 3 - Teams put in tournament rosters a week before each nationals weekend (these must be a subset of the master roster)

    Step 4 - NF/Tournament Admin submits the results

    Step 3 is optional. If you don't want your results to count, then don't submit an EUCS roster for nationals. But you can't change this after the fact. If you want the games to count then you submit a roster. If not, then don't. So long as one team opts out before the weekend, the games don't count.

    If both teams opt-in, then the games count. You can't pull out if you played a bad game.

  • Teams can decide if they use EUF-approved tournaments for their EUCS ranking points. If teams don't submit a tournament roster then the tournament won't count towards their season

  • Yes - no interference from EUF

  • Only the games between EUCS teams count - if the tournament doesn’T have any EUCS Teams than no games will be counted towards the final ranking

  • Yes - but EUF is entitled to review scores and games to ensure the integrity of the sport is not undermined

