What does EUF-Approval mean? Where does it apply?
Step 1 - NF/Tournament Admin submits the national championships to be an EUF-approved event.
Step 2 - Teams are informed
Step 3 - Teams put in tournament rosters a week before each nationals weekend (these must be a subset of the master roster)
Step 4 - NF/Tournament Admin submits the results
If your team opt-in, then the games count. You can't pull out if you played a bad game.
Teams can decide if they use EUF-approved tournaments for their EUCS ranking points. If they don't want to count an EUF-approved tournament, they need to state so in the registration.
Yes - no interference from EUF
Only the games between EUCS teams count - if the tournament doesn’t have any EUCS Teams than no games will be counted towards the final ranking
Yes - but EUF is entitled to review scores and games to ensure the integrity of the sport is not undermined